St Ann's Services in Church

St Ann's Church building remains open for Sunday services at 9:30am.

You can also watch our service livestreamed and afterwards online on our youtube channel if you would prefer. We understand some people will prefer to join us in this way at this time.

If attending the Service at Church please ensure you review the procedures we have put in place to ensure your saftey (in detail below). In particular please  do not attend Church if you are feeling unwell, strictly maintain 2m social distancing at all times, hand santitise, wear of a face mask, and leave the Church site promptly at the end of the service as directed.

We hope that those either attending the service or watching at home on the livestream will be blessed as we come together to worship our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.

“I was glad when they said to me,   “Let us go to the house of the Lord!’”
Psalm 122:1 NRSV


Those at extra risk and the ‘clinically extremely vulnerable’ are advised of the risks of attending public worship. Certain groups of people may be at increased risk of severe disease from COVID-19, including people who are aged 70 or older, regardless of medical conditions. Individuals who fall within this group are advised to follow the government guidance in place.

Please do not attend Church if you are feeling unwell.

Coming into Church

We will come into Church via the main door. If people are already at the door then please queue. Please maintain 2m distancing (approx 4 flags)

In Church

You should wear a face covering in the Church building at all times (unless you are leading the worship).

You should use the hand sanitiser just inside the door at you enter the building. Please go into the main worship area and go immediately to a suitable seat.

You should fill up seats from the front and sides before those at the back or towards the centre. As far as possible please choose a group of seats that matches your household group and do not sit with people outside of your household group or bubble.

Seats are available in groups of 1,2 or 3 chairs. Please do not move the chairs they have been carefully set out to maintain appropriate 2m social distancing.

The Service

During the service we should maintain social distancing. There will be no sharing of the peace, laying on of hands in prayer or other forms of physical contact.

We will be having services of Holy Communion for some of the services. It is for individuals to decide if they wish to take the bread or receive a blessing or remain in their seat. There will be no wine taken by those in the congregation. We will be following the Church of England guidance for conducting Holy Communion. Please follow any instructions given.

The service will be shorter than usual.

Singing is not permited. Neither should we use raised voices.

The service will be livestreamed but only those reading at the front or those in the seats in front of the keyboard will be in view.

Service sheets, newsletters, prayer books, hymn books, cards, aids for prayer, leaflets, bibles have all been removed.

Children are very welcome but must sit and remain with their parents or guardians at all times. Play bags and other children’s
resources have been removed. Those who attend with children may bring their own toys or books if they wish. These should be taken home at the end of the service.

Please avoid touching surfaces as much as possible, particularly chairs that you will not be sitting on for the duration of the service.

Windows and doors will remain open to ensure good ventilation. Please keep this in mind if the weather is cold.

We will be keeping a record of those who attend for 21 days in accordance with government guidance to assist track and trace. We ask for cooperation if you are asked to provide name and contact details. We also have the relevant QR code poster for those who wish to use the NHS App.

There will be no collection in the service. Those attending are requested not to give cash donations. Please contact us via the contact details on our website if you would like to make a donation.

At the end of the service

There will be no refreshments after the service.

People will be directed to leave in an orderly manner via the door in the worship area (for example row by row) by the person leading the service to avoid congestion at the exit. You should hand sanitise as you exit and then leave the church site prompty.

Toilets and other areas of the Church building

The following areas of the Church building are closed to the public. Prayer room, Meeting room, Kitchen, room by entrance, Office, Gents and Ladies toilets.

Open will be the foyer, worship space, extension to worship space and the accessible toilet. Hand santiser should be used before and after using the accessible toilet. A station has been placed outside.

Permission from either vicar or a churchwarden will be required to access any of the closed areas by volunteers and other clergy or readers and only as necessary to enable the worship to take place. Anything touched in those areas should be wiped clean. 

Please follow these provisions to enable us to Worship safely at this time.






Upcoming Events

Friday 14th March
9:00am - 11:00am -
7:00pm - 9:30pm -
Sunday 16th March
9:30am -
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