Guides and Brownies

Guides and Brownies all meet on weekday evenings (term time only) in the church attended by a total of around 20 girls. These groups are led by volunteers both from the church and the local community. Girlguiding aims to give girls, whatever their background or circumstances, space to be themselves and share the experience of growing up as a girl in today’s world. We offer fun and varied age appropriate activities encouraging girls to try new experiences to reach their full potential and encouraging them to work together and help their communities.

Brownies (girls aged 7 – 10) and Guides (girls aged 10-14) both meet on a Tuesday. The groups are popular and we may have a waiting list. For more information or to apply to join or volunteer with one of our groups please see the Girlguiding website

Splash Day at Tatton Park and Baking in the Church


Upcoming Events

Sunday 23rd February
9:30am -
Tuesday 25th February
12:00am -
10:00am - 2:00pm -
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