Rev Joyce Weaver's Maundy Thursday 2016

A reflection upon receiving the Maundy money from the Queen at the Maundy Thursday Service, St Georges Chapel

Joyce St George's Chapel

Joyce and Arnie outside St George's Chapel

"As I looked around St George’s Chapel and saw the 180 recipients of the Maundy Money and their companions I saw 180 people who had served their local community with exceptional Christian Service, all serving in different ways, who had been chosen from all over England and Scotland to receive this great honour.
From 10.00 a.m. onwards the organist played as everyone took their seats, the music was awesome, it truly rang out and by 10.45 a.m. the procession started. It was amazing to see the military in all their regalia.  The Knights of Windsor, the choir, the Canons and then the Royal Almonry procession came in guarding the red and white purses with the Maundy money in them, then came the Yeomen of the Guard, with the Queen and the Duke of Edinburgh following after they had been presented with the traditional nosegays
So as the royal procession came in the fanfare took everyone’s breath away, but it was not a fanfare to the queen, the queen was there as one of the Kings subjects because I really felt the King was worshipped the King was heralded in.  It really felt like that, the whole service was glorifying Jesus.  The music, the readings, the prayers, people were in tears, or had lumps in their throat with emotion, it was absolutely magnificent, amazing.
At the distribution of the Maundy Gifts, the queen walked to each recipient, with the Royal Almonry procession behind her with the 6 alms dishes.  As she came to me she looked me straight in the eye and gave me a beaming smile, her eyes pierced mine and her smile was so electric, it felt like she was so thrilled to be giving us these purses for the Christian service we had given to the community over many years.
After the service we were escorted to the State Banqueting room for lunch.
An absolutely awesome experience that I will never forget."

Rev Joyce Weaver

Jesus said “I give you a new commandment that you love one another.  Just as I have loved you, you also should love one another.” John 13 34

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